Time is an illusion — all events are simultaneous

Understanding that time is an illusion requires a fundamental change to the generally accepted understanding of reality. All events exist simultaneously. They only play out over time when viewed through a lens of separation that leads events to appear to be a linear, unfolding chain of causality.

Time is an illusion — all events are simultaneous

All lives last a lifetime — understanding the nature of time

Understanding that time is an illusion requires a fundamental change to the generally accepted understanding of reality.

All events exist simultaneously. They only play out over time when viewed through a lens of separation that leads events to appear to be a linear, unfolding chain of causality. Time is a marker point for events and there is no innate sequence to the infinite events that exist as potential to be experienced. To live within the perception of linear time is to choose to experience your life as an evolving chain of experiences whose chosen sequence produces meaning.

Experiencing events over linear time creates an additional perspective on them that is not present when they are viewed simultaneously.

Like all forms of separation, linear time is both a valuable and meaningful illusion. When in linear time, events are perceived to be irrevocably left behind after being experienced (frozen in the past), and the future is seen to be an infinitely vast unknown, where events are only felt as potentials that may or may not happen.

Many meaningful qualities arise from linear time (despite it being created by a tight / limited focus). The most potent qualities are anticipation, surprise, expectation, and jeopardy (which is a core facet of fear). Without the focus of linear time, the journey / evolution of your life would not be experienced.

Linear time is not a discrete state. It is a dimensional quality like any other perception of separation and can be experienced in either deep or shallow ways. To release the feeling of separation from others is an emotional journey of becoming ever more inclusive. This is a part of the human design. Coming to release the separation of self across the moments of linear time is also an emotional journey. However, initially, it is usually experienced as a confrontation of the rational mind.

To understand this reality and how it arises within eternal consciousness is to not only release the experience of separation between self and other, it is to release the separation of past and future.

Time as an illusion can be understood by logical means but, in being such a different model of reality, you must unlearn certain limiting ideas in order to comprehend it. At the core of these is letting go of the idea of cause and effect. Cause and effect describes two polarized ends of a single event, rather than two independent events (the first of which is perceived to have caused the second).

To release cause and effect is particularly powerful because it is to release blame.

All events are simultaneously present within eternal consciousness, which contains every potential moment of time. This is because, with reality being a perceptual projection of consciousness, eternal consciousness is All That Is (which includes the past and all potential futures). As such, eternal consciousness does not exist within the experience of time, instead, it contains the experience of time. All time exists within the one consciousness in existence. As such, consciousness uses a moving / evolving selective focus upon what is essentially an infinite menu of potentials to create the experience of linear time.

The selection of a potential defines a moment of self.

Linear time is a choice to experience the meaning that arises out of a particular sequence of events by tracing a path through them. This is achieved through a shifting pattern of personal consciousness versus unconsciousness that creates and releases experiences in sequence. This sequence of experiential moments is perceived as the irrevocable passing of time (i.e., linear time).

What we — as individuals within linear time — call past and future both exist simultaneously in the present moment. We are just perceiving them from a perceptual vantage point that gives rise to the quality of feeling separated from them by time (through the creation of temporal separation within perception).

Our consciousness forms chains of experiential moments that collectively create the sensation of an individuated self moving through linear time.

The idea of “the unknown” future that exists within the quality of linear time is a powerful concept that creative — imaginative — ideas can be projected onto. These can be fear-based, anxiety-provoking thoughts, or fantasies that you are excited to potentially experience.

Psychological time

The scientific view of time describes the way in which we can experience linear time as external, objective, and independent of us. For example, if two people meet at a set time and location, start their stopwatches and agree to meet 24 hours later, their stop watches will still be synchronized when they meet again, even if they had vastly different psychological experiences.

Stop watches only measure the amount of physical time that has passed. They do not measure how much psychological time — which is the feeling of time — that has been experienced. For example, a person who became lost in a creative project for the day may have felt the time fly by, whereas a person who struggled with a crisis may feel as though several days passed because they were so exhausted.

That we see physical time as ‘real’ and psychological time as a vague concept with little value is because we have chosen to organize our existence around physical time (because of how it is extremely helpful for synchronizing outward events). However, this focus upon the objective experience of physical time does not need to preclude us from exploring our subjective experiences.

For example, when it comes to death through the body wearing out, psychological time is a better predictor of lifespan than physical time. A person who lives within reality as a beautiful dream with days flying by will live longer than a similar physical body experiencing a drama-filled life where each day feels like climbing a mountain. If these two people were to meet each day, their stopwatches would perfectly match. Yet, if aging was measured by how worn out the body was — instead of its physical age — one will clearly age faster than the other.

Physical time is what time is when you measure it with physical devices.

As you awaken to the wider nature of your consciousness, you will come to recognize the equal value between internal subjective experiences of consciousness and objective experiences that are perceived as being external. To become a master of time has nothing to do with manipulating stop watches. It is about understanding consciousness as the creator of our experience of time, which includes all the qualities we experience in relation to time (such as feeling rushed).

Master time by understanding yourself as the creator of your psychological experience of it.

Reality is not a race to achieve or create something. There is no ticking cosmic clock, except that which you create to measure and judge your rate of evolution against. To feel under any temporal pressure is a form of giving away your power. To believe you are fighting against the clock is to live in fear that you may not arrive ‘in time’.

There is no ‘in time’ to arrive in. You can arrive at any time, or you can arrive from outside of time. You will arrive when you arrive, and when you arrive will be perfect. To arrive, and then anxiously check the clock, is to knock yourself out of the present moment into a state of self-judgment.

Acknowledge all time constraints as being of your own creation.

To awaken to your spirit is to become a master of time because of how your spirit exists in a timeless state. In any moment, feeling yourself to be against time will instantly take you into a reality where you are facing an opponent — a circumstance against which you will either win or lose. Let go of this concept of time and you can only win. You are free to enjoy the jeopardy created by competitively racing but do so understanding that if it starts to cause you worry or pain, then you can stop and take your time.

You can even create extra time when you need it.

Being open to change is no more about being open to large amounts of change than it is about being open to small amounts. Your spirit’s passion for human life is not about achieving some level of quantity (quantity is a part of the illusion of competition).

When it comes to following your heart (which is the guidance of your spirit), the finest adjustments to your course are potentially as powerful as the largest shifts. Sometimes, a giant leap will bring you into the greatest appreciation of the interconnectedness of life, when at other times, just a small adjustment will unleash the greatest freedom.

Revelation can span / bridge any divide. Size is an illusion.

You are not in competition with any other being because you are all beings. Any concept of being in a race is an idea created by you to be against yourself. The feeling of jeopardy that arises from competition can be desirable in the moment. However, if ever the rush of adrenaline turns to fear, you have the power to let the belief in jeopardy go. Appreciate the perfection of the present moment and know the next moment will be perfect whenever you arrive at it.

Transcend the boundaries of time by allowing time.

As you awaken to the wider state of existence of your spirit, you will come to realize how you have predominantly experienced time to be an external, immutable quality over which you have no power — the scientific view — because that is how we — as spirit wishing to experience human form — intended to experience it. We do this because of how it helps form a deep level of individuality through how it fortifies the illusion of separation.

Transform your beliefs about time such that you have an empowered relationship with it.

We use the experience of time to shape our experience of the human self. However, we can alter our relationship with time such that we are its master, rather than its prisoner. The initial face of this is the realization that the feeling of urgency is a translation of a fear-based belief in jeopardy. The time pressure created by this jeopardy is usually interpreted negatively, however, the resulting focus of attention and motivation is usually interpreted positively (even though they are two sides of the same coin).

The sense of being in a race against time is a powerful experience. We often use a sense of urgency to help us get things done. There are also positive reflections in certain games we play, where it is enjoyable to compete not only with each other but also against the clock (perhaps seeking to beat our personal best time). Along with these positive reflections, there are many experiences where a sense of feeling rushed is felt as stressful and detrimental.

To be a master of time is not about letting go of the sense of time pressure completely. It is to seek to be conscious of whenever that pressure is affecting you negatively. Do not seek to never feel time pressure. Seek to be fully conscious of all aspects of your relationship with time such that you know, in a stressful moment, how your perception of time is affecting you.

One way to practice this is to observe how difficult you find it to stop and relax for an extended period of time. Doing this will make you conscious of any anxieties around time you may still be carrying as they tend to come to the surface whenever we do not feel we are being productive. Use this technique to reveal if there is a deeper level of ‘chase’ within you.

Knowing how time affects you is a part of knowing yourself.

Each moment you awaken to your wider nature is a further unfolding of All That You Are. This is to perceive the passage of time as a reflection of your own becoming. You do not go backwards as you are only ever experiencing more and more life, which is to say, more and more reflections of yourself. The unfolding of the future is your own unfolding. Time is not something outside of you, within which you exist.

Time is something you create to help you describe (to yourself) the never-ending unfolding of your being.

Time is yet another a mirror of self.

The objective measurement of time is only one way of perceiving it. Allow yourself to experience time in other ways. To describe time as a series of seconds and minutes is to describe a beautiful landscape as acreage. Although there is a fixed quality to objective time (as measured by physical devices), there is also an equally powerful psychological inner experience of time. The experience of psychological time is most acutely felt when comparing the experience of embracing change (and life flows easily) versus when you resist change (and each hour feels like an ordeal).

Time is that which allows the experience of becoming.

Through the allowance of yourself to change, you can determine the rate at which you experience time inwardly.

To realize that time is but a tool — a tool used by consciousness in the creation of its experience — is to take power over the rate of your own unfolding. Every person runs at their own speed. What one person may experience in a day may take another person a month. To experience something faster is to experience it with a different result (not the same result, but quicker).

To experience something at different speeds is to experience it with a different result.

Faster is not better than slower — it is just different.

Whether a person lives for days or years, at the end of their life, they will have lived for a lifetime. When they die, they will have experienced all that they wanted to experience in that form. Time is a quality of manifestation — not a framework into which manifestation must fit.

All lives are as intended because all lives last a lifetime.